Preserved Pears

POSTED BY Taylor Cullen on June 01, 2024

Getting through the last part of autumn makes me sad. It's my favourite month for produce. Here at Flockhill, winter means no more apples and pears. The last fruit will be dropping as I write this on the final day of autumn.
Lucky for us, there are a few tried and tested techniques to keep that orchard fruit flavour alive for a little bit longer. While we can poach, ferment, pickle, or store in honey, one of my favourites is to simply dry halved fruits with a touch of sugar and store them until we see fit to use.
For the opening of the restaurant, these dried pears might be rehydrated in a little currant wood oil and tomato juice as an accompaniment to a beautiful garden salad. Alternatively, they could be chopped and caramelized before being folded through a fresh batch of manuka smoked sheep's milk ice cream, then served with fresh figs and balsamic.
Whatever we use them for, the process of drying is super easy, and the storage is a simple way to preserve the last of those ripe fruits.
You will need:

  •       1 kg apples or pears - I love using a variety of ripe pears all mixed together
  •       300 g caster sugar


  1. Preheat your oven or dehydrator to 60 degrees C.
  2. Cut the fruit in half. Don't worry about the seeds; they will easily come out after the drying process.
  3. Toss the pears in a bowl with the sugar.
  4. Place the pears on a tray with parchment, cut face up.
  5. Leave for 24 hours or until fully dehydrated.
  6. Store in an airtight container or jar for later use.

